The Ferrymead Railway is located within the Ferrymead Heritage Park in south-east Christchurch. The Railway is open for viewing as follows:
General viewing:
During normal Park opening hours 10am-4:30pm daily. Access is limited to display areas and items that are stored outside.
Operating days:
The Ferrymead Railway currently operates the First Sunday of the month, additionally we now operate at the Ferrymead Night Market held the First Saturday of the Month. We also operate over Easter and Labour Day Weekends and many public holidays. Operating hours are the normal Park hours 10-4:30. Please check out the homepage of this website for our upcoming running days.
Tickets are sold by our Ticket Seller from the Moorhouse Village Station located within Ferrymead Heritage Park.
Please note that this is additional to your park entrance fee as we receive no income from the entrance being a separate organization.
We also have a range of cold drinks along with Wooden Train Whistles and Railway themed Mugs for sale.
Work days:
Railway work days are a also a good time to visit. Workdays are Thursdays and Saturdays, and Wednesday evenings during the summer. Areas of the Railway not normally available to the public may be accessible during work day and members are on site to answer questions. Access and availability of equipment is subject to staff discretion and safety regulations.
Charters and special viewing:
Are available and may be arranged through Contacting Us. Charters are not expensive and a great way for you or your group to spend a few hours.
Overseas Visitors:
The best time to experience New Zealand is between mid October and the end of March. Generally the weather is settled and mild. Ferrymead Railway operates and holds work days year round as weather permits.
How To Get Here:

Ferrymead Heritage Park is located in the suburb of Ferrymead, approximately 7 km from Cathedral Square in downtown Christchurch. The public entrance is on Truscotts Road near the intersection of Ferrymead Park Drive. Access is either via Ferry Road on the way to Sumner or off Martindales Road.
From the Central Bus Exchange on MetroBus:
Catch bus 28 Papanui/Lyttelton to Lyttelton
Get off at stop 42021, Martindales Road near Truscotts Road
Walk 1km up Truscotts Road to the main entrance of Ferrymead Heritage Park
The fare from the central city is approximately $50 (enquire from your driver or taxi company as to the actual fare to be charged).
For details of Park opening days, hours and entrance charges to Ferrymead Heritage Park contact the Park office.